Registration Forms

All of the forms must be completed in order for your student’s registration to be finalized. After you’ve completed the online registration, make sure to download and sign each of the student forms. Once signed, please return to a band director.

Click the orange hyperlinks to download forms

24-25 Handbook Acknowledgement and Sign Off

Every parent and student is encouraged to read through the Band Handbook. This document guides and outlines the Sachse HS Mustang Band’s structure, expectations, policies, and procedures. The final page of the handbook is to be signed by both the parent and the student.

UIL 8-Hour Rule

All UIL sponsored activities, including marching band, are subject to UIL’s 8-Hour Rule which stipulates that no organization will rehearse more than eight hours outside the academic school day per calendar week. If you have questions about this policy, please email Mrs. Taylor.

Parent Field Trip Release Form

In the event of an emergency and a parent/guardian is not being able to be contacted, this Medical Release Form will allow school district employees to take whatever action they deem necessary, including medical or lifesaving treatment.

GISD Medications Form

If your student is needing to be given medications while on a school-related trip, please download and complete this form.

Physical Evaluation

Per-UIL policy, all students participating in marching band must complete a pre-participation physical prior to practicing or rehearsing with the organization. Most pediatricians, general doctors, and urgent care facilities can perform this type of sports physical at a low cost.

Photo Release

This form states you give permission for your student to be photographed and recorded for purposes relating to the organization.

Music Enrichment Program

Students wishing to enroll in private lessons must complete a registration form which outlines costs, expectations, and a waiver or liability.

Private lessons are optional but highly encouraged!

Private Lesson Staff

Need to contact the Boosters?