
Sachse Mustang Band Fundraising 2024-2025


The Sachse Mustang Band is the largest student organization at Sachse High School (SHS), consisting of more than 220 hardworking and dedicated students, an amazing director and assistant director team, and countless parent and family volunteers. We are very proud of our band, their accomplishments, and the way the Mustang Band continuously represents our school district, the community of Sachse, and SHS.

In 2021, the Mustang Band made history by earning a spot to compete at the UIL State Marching Band Contest with the top 38 6A Bands in the State of Texas at the Alamodome in San Antonio. A band performing and competing at this caliber comes with a cost. It takes approximately $250,000 of funding for the entire school year.  Funds are used for clinicians, uniforms, props, food, drinks, transportation, hotel stays, contest fees, and more. For one football game or marching competition in the fall, it takes approximately 10 school buses, two cargo trailers, a semi-truck, and approximately 1,000+ bottles of water to ensure proper hydration. 

Our school district and parents supplement these expenses; however, fundraising, donations, and sponsorships are an integral part of the long-term success of our band program. Please consider supporting us in one of the following levels:

Donation Levels

Platinum Sponsor

$2,500 or more

  • Direct link to your company on our website (

  • Company logo on band trailer (large logo 2:3 dimension, actual size of logo to be determined)

  • Quarter-page size advertisement in our digital program

Gold Sponsor

$1,500 to $2,499

  • Direct link to your company on our website (

  • Company logo on band trailer (large logo 1:2 dimension, actual size of logo to be determined)

  • Business card size advertisement in our digital program

Silver Sponsor

$750 to $1,499

  • Logo and company details are listed on our website (

  • Company name listed on band trailer (approx. 6-inch font, final size TBD)

  • Line-item advertisement in our digital program

Bronze Sponsor

$500 to $749

  • Logo and company details are listed on our website (

  • Company name listed on band trailer (approx. 3-inch font, final size TBD)

  • Line-item advertisement in our digital program

Community Partner

$499 or less

  • Logo and company details are listed on our website (

  • Line-item advertisement in our digital program

Any donations made are tax-exempt under the Sachse Band Boosters 501C(3) tax exemption status. Please consider supporting us in any way that you can.

Please contact me if you are interested in supporting the Sachse HS Mustang Band or have questions regarding this opportunity at (972) 675-0700, or via email at

If a monetary donation is not feasible, we will gladly accept donations such as bottled water, non-perishable snacks, etc. To arrange for this type of donation, please connect with me at the same contact information above.

For more information on our band, please visit us at

Thank you for your support.                                

Teresa Cundiff

2024-25 VP Fundraising