Duties of Officers and Standing Committee Chairpersons
The President is the executive head of the Booster Club and presides at all meetings of the Board and the Booster Club using Robert’s Rules of Order. They also are an ex-officio member of all committees, except for the Nominating Committee, exercise general supervision of all the affairs of the Booster Club, enforce the Bylaws, execute all orders and resolutions of the Board, keep the Board fully informed and consult with the Board concerning the business and activities of the Booster Club, designate annually, subject to the approval of the Executive Board, the chairpersons of the Standing Committees, serve (or select another to serve) on the PTSA Board of Directors and perform other such duties as are outlined in the Bylaws or shall be assigned by the Board.
1st Vice President – Volunteers
The First Vice President actively recruits volunteers from the Booster Club throughout the school year to support the Band Program. They also assist in coordinating volunteers with the other Vice Presidents and Band Directors to establish volunteer needs for various activities, maintain a list of all volunteers along with complete contact information for each volunteer, coordinate parent clearance information with the school volunteer coordinator, maintain a monthly log of volunteers, along with hours worked, to be presented to the Director of Bands and communicate and coordinate needs and report outcomes of all volunteer activity to the Board and the Booster Club.
2nd Vice President – Fundraising
The Second Vice President establishes fundraising events to create opportunities for band members to raise funds to help reduce the cost of specific items, such as the band trip, general band fees, etc. They also shall remit promptly all collected funds to the Treasurer, select and present preliminary plans for fundraising projects for the following school year at the last general meeting of each year to allow time for approval of fundraising projects by the school administration and communicate needs and report outcomes of fundraising activities to the Board and the Booster Club.
3rd Vice President – Hospitality
The Third Vice President works with the Band Directors, the students, and the Booster Club in planning social events for the Band Program throughout the year. They also secure sponsors, food/catering services, event facilities, and necessary items for each event, including beverages for students at all games, competitions, and special events, and arrange for refreshments for judges and officials during any special event hosted by the Band Program, and recruit chairpersons and committees at Band Program registration for the school year, for the Band Program activities and communicate needs and report outcomes of all hospitality activity to the Board and the Booster Club.
4th Vice President – Communications
The Fourth Vice President coordinates with the Band Directors and the Board to publish information on all Band Program activities for the parents, the students, and the Booster Club. They also provide regular updates to all Band Program social media links, including, but limited to, the Band Program app platform, Facebook, X, Instagram, and the Band Program website, and relevant social media platforms, keep all Members informed of important dates, events, and other pertinent information relating to the Band Program, and when necessary, provide information to local newspapers, television stations, and other media as appropriate regarding the Band Program activities and accomplishments, and otherwise advertise the Band Program in the community, and creates and produces a video and a digital scrapbook to document the Band Program events and activities throughout the school year.
5th Vice President – Colorguard
The Fifth Vice President coordinates with the Band Directors, the instructors, the students, and in connection with the needs of the Color Guard and the Winter Guard programs. They also keep records of all Color Guard and/or Winter Guard students, work and coordinate with the First VP of Volunteers and the Volunteers Coordinator for various Band Program activities and competitions, and communicate the needs and report the outcomes of all Color Guard and/or Winter Guard activity to the Board and the Booster Club.
6th Vice President - Merchandising
The Sixth Vice President sells Band Program spirit merchandise at games and other school events and works with and assists with designing and purchasing all Sachse High School Mustang Band spirit wear and accessories.
Uniform Coordinator
The Uniform Coordinator works with the uniform team and volunteers to ensure band members are dressed and ready to perform at football games, marching competitions, and concerts. They also facilitate uniform fittings (summer, marching, and concert), fit Band Program students for uniforms, manage distribution and collection of uniforms, oversee a team of volunteers to assist, and communicate to band members/parents necessary details/dates, etc., process uniform orders, set up sizing stations at registration, assist Band Program students to select sizes, order summer uniforms from the supplier, and communicate as needed and distribute uniforms to Band Program students, manage students with missing uniform parts before performances, manage uniform emergencies at games and competitions and ensure uniforms are cleaned and repaired as needed.
The Secretary records the minutes of all meetings for the Board and the Booster Club. They also manage all business correspondence relating to the Booster Club, report the minutes of the previous meeting to the Board and the Booster Club, provide Booster Club minutes to the school administration, the Band Program website and/or the Band Program Charms app (“Charms”), keep or cause to be kept in books provided for such purpose the minutes of such meetings to include the Treasurer’s Report and all handouts from each meeting and keep an electronic register of the address of each Board Member and physical property and keep, file and maintain the books, reports, statements, certificates, and other documents and records required by law.
The Treasurer maintains financial records of all Booster Club monies, issues checks, and reports the financial standing of the Booster Club at each meeting. They also maintain all monies in the Booster Club General Account, present a formal monthly statement of account at each general meeting, present the Booster Club report to the school administration, the Band Program website, and/or Charms, recruit an assistant to assist with updating ledgers for students, present the Audit Committee report to the school administration, create a confidential hard copy record (printed format and optional electronic format) of the student fee payment disposition ledger summary showing both detailed transactions and final balance before closing the student ledger out for the end of the year, track and document the collections of all fees from students, provide statements of payments and balances of student activity fees, and provide statements to each student indicating outstanding balance for activity fees. Fees managed shall include but are not limited to, annual band activity fees, Color Guard fees, competition fees, and trip fees. Tracking and notification may be performed via the band program database.
The Parliamentarian is responsible for implementing Robert’s Rules of Order (latest revision) at each Board and Booster Club meeting.
Standing Committee Chairpersons
Member-At-Large. Performs functions as needed by the Booster Club in addition to serving as chairman of the Nominating Committee. Member-At-Large has voting privileges on the Board.
Assistant Treasurer. Assists the Treasurer with the student database account.
Volunteer Coordinator. Assists First VP of Volunteers in all aspects needed and assigned to the Volunteer Assistant.
Lead Chaperone. Assists First VP of Volunteers and the Volunteer Coordinator to ensure chaperones know their role, who they are responsible for, and how to check in on the bus and at events.
Props Master. Oversees development of props, and works with the President and the Band Director on designs for upcoming shows no later than March of each school year. Follows UIL/BOA rules as needed and understands all prop field placement. They also work with transportation leads on packing/transport logistics, assign responsibility to prop field placement leads, and work with the First VP of Volunteers and the Volunteer Coordinator on volunteer assistance.
Transportation Coordinator. Manages box truck and trailer needs for practice, football games, and competitions. They also work with the Props Master and student logistic crew to pack props, oversee a team of volunteers to assist, and work with the Third VP of Hospitality for competition logistics.
Hospitality Assistant. Assists Third VP of Hospitality with collecting donated snacks/water and purchasing such items when needed for competitions, school-hosted events, etc.
Fundraising Assistant. Assists with all aspects of fundraising.
Uniform Coordinator. Assists with uniform fittings (summer, marching, and concert). They also assist with uniform orders and distribution, assist students with missing uniform parts before performances, manage plume distribution at games and competitions, assist with uniform emergencies at games and competitions, and ensure uniforms are organized and properly stored during and after games and competitions.
Medical Nurse. Assists with any Band Program medical needs during games, competitions, and/or trips.